Nov 5, 2014

The Princess Spy

2 Stars:(
This was an interesting book to review.  I have read several of Melanie Dickerson’s books and was excited to read her newest.  I love the cover and the storyline was intriguing.  Immediately I liked Colin.  As the story began I found myself definitely drawn to Colin and his character, yet Margaretha still seemed to need a little more character development.  How do I describe how I feel about this book?  I’m a little disappointed.  This was a great story – really, just where was the flow?  I can’t put my finger on what it is but the story gave me the feeling of stating what’s going on, not living in it.  Her writing was so choppy.  It seemed to be a dialogue of “Colin did this and this, then Margaretha did this and that.  Then this happened.”  Where is all the color, the emotion the energy?  Who was the editor here?  I wanted to be scared when Margaretha was scared, angry when she was, yet I felt none of it.  Lastly I felt that Margaretha was actually a little annoying and overly consumed about talking too much, it got old fast. The author missed the boat on making it come alive.  Too bad.  I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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