Sep 30, 2014

The Christmas Story for Children

A New Christmas Book I wanted to review:   2 stars :( 

What a beautiful cover - it made me want to read this new book.   I think this telling of the Christmas story is unique.  What makes it different is that the story does not end with the birth of Jesus.   This book continues on after Jesus’ birth and tells the story of his entire life in a very simple and short way.

The authors have taken time to put together another excellent book to help us all remember the true meaning of the season.  I am always so excited to see a new book about the biggest love story of all.  

The only item that I didn't love was the artist’s portrayal of angels.  The angel that appears to Mary in this book really looks like a woman.  Yet we know that the angel Gabriel was definitely not a woman. (see Luke 1:26-27) The second time you see an angel in the story is when they appear to the shepherds.  Once again it looks like a woman, and yet the clothing she is wearing shows a huge part of HER chest.  This is a little disconcerting to me.  A little frustrating too, for with such a beautiful story and such amazing art I am not buying this for anyone.     I was given a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

RATED:  2 Stars

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