Mar 21, 2013

The Runaway King

4 stars - I loved it!!!!     This is book #2 in the Triology  The False Prince
The book begins, "I had arrived early for my own assassination".  From the first sentence I was hooked.  Sage can't keep the devils off his heals the entire way through the book.  Adventure and high treason keep these pages turning and turning till you hate that it is over.  Discover why Jaron has to flee his own throne, in order to keep his crown.
Jennifer Nielsen is a great writer - she keeps you guessing, keeps you on the edge of your seat and will make you wish that #3 was finished!!!  
Scholastic book is selling this hard cover for only $9.99 :)
Read Book #1 FIRST and enjoy the ride:)

Side note: Have you read The Thief by M.W. Turner? I swear the voice is the same, sometimes I was trying to remember if it was Gen or Sage?  Either way - great voice - great story telling!

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