Jul 22, 2018

2018 Favorite Reads

I. had. no. idea.  I was visiting WA DC, and while touring museums I heard a little bit about how women got the vote and thought, "I know nothing about this".  I went home and started looking for information on the Suffragette story.  My local Barnes and Noble had NOTHING, my local library had ONE junior book on Susan B Anthony, but that was it!!  Finally after more looking, researching and reading, I found this book.  This book was amazing. Her story is shocking, she tells it in a no nonsense, easy to read way. I underlined and underlined my way through this incredible story.  How could I not have known this?  I bought my daughter this book, I bought myself this book, I had my book group read it... yes, it's that good!  And yes, it's that important!  P.S. It's free on Amazon:)
(byw this is NOT the movie Suffragette, yes, same topic, but not Emmeline's Story)

This was a surprising find from our city Library.  I loved it!  One of those fun stories that just pulls you through.  Easy to read, full of adventure, with twists and little bit of love.  Remember to grab a blanket as you enjoy this frosty story.

more coming.....

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