Nov 3, 2015

A Refuge at Highland Hall

3.5 Stars
This was a great read.  I was afraid it would get long winded like so many novels in this genre do, but I was not disappointed.  At first I was surprised to find there were several story lines.  The author included more families and interwove quite a few characters into the plot.  I was a little worried since I do not like to bounce back and forth between stories, but found the author handled it so smoothly it did not bother me.  I liked her characters and the story material.  This story has a great mix of sweet love, war hardships, family, and struggle.
This story takes place in 1915 and war is descending upon London.  I think my favorite part of the story was that it included a little about the Germans who were put into internment camps during that time period.

 It is an enjoyable read for any afternoon.  I only gave it 3 stars for a lack of depth and attachment I felt toward the main 2 characters.  Their story never took hold of me and pulled me into every crevice.  Aside from that and the semi okay cover – it was a wonderful story that will bring a smile to anyone.  I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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