Aug 6, 2015


Jody Hedlund has completely dived into Historical Fiction with her latest novel "Luther and Katharina".  This book has a great beginning - a nun on the ledge of a 2 story window, trying to grasp enough courage to jump.  Right away you fall into this intriguing story of a group of nuns trying to free themselves from the horrors of the time.

This time period in the 1500's is harsh.  Luther is trying to spread the word of God through pamphlets and his preaching and it is met with overwhelming resistance.  The awful pillaging of the Nuns - regularly, hangings, whippings and torture are difficult to read through.  The author doesn't go too deep into any detail - but enough is said to make you feel the reality and darkness of this time.

Luther and Katharina fight against the majority to seek a new way for themselves and all people.  Reformation came at a high price and I admire the author for trying to help us see this through her story.  

I struggle to rate this book 3 for the violence and a little too much in the marriage bed or 4 for the amazing historical insight.  The story is a good page turner - the history is true - the character's believable.  And finally, the time period is harsh and dark, the violence is rape and the desire and lust that fill most of the book need to be stated.  This is not a fun weekend read but a heavy historical fiction with a beautiful love story woven throughout.

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