Mar 11, 2015

The SECRET of Pembrooke Park

4 Stars - for a fun Historical Regency Romance

This is a great fun read to do the ol' "TAKE ME AWAY" magic:).  I think this is one of Julie Klassen's better books.  My favorite of hers has been The Silent Governess - but aside from that one I have felt her books are mediocre.   With this book she has once again hit the spot and written an engaging story.  

There is a dark secret at Pembrooke Park, and I am surprisingly really enjoying the mystery here. The characters keeping me guessing, thickening the plot and pulling me through the story.  

I must make a little complaint.  THE COVER.  Now no offence to the girl on the front, but I do NOT like the cover. The castle the huge blue girl is covering looks great - why not bring it up close and put her way to the back - with maybe the cloaked figure of a man on a horse off to the side in a darker corner?   THE COVER makes a huge difference if I want to own it or avoid it!   I wish publishers would do a better job(why can't they ask me first?).   :)

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