Mar 23, 2015

Acing the ACT

5 stars -

This is an excellent book for your teenager!  Looking for a gift for a niece/nephew/grandchild or your own sweet kid?  Give them a little encouragement and a great tool.  My favorite thing about this ACT prep book is the size.  So many of the ACT study books look like a mountain of pain.  In fact they even weigh enough to give you pain.  This little paperback says, "You can read me in a weekend - easy".  Teenagers have so much on their plates that the ACT can be overwhelming.  I love that this small book is exactly that - small, concise and encouraging.  From the first page the author gives an upbeat intro that makes you think - I can do this - and I can do it well!:)    Organized into simple sections such as english, math, reading and science this book cover's it all - even the essay writing.  I think a great bonus this books offers is the chapter called M Card: what to memorize.  You mean I don't have to memorize everything?  This book ranks high for me - and my kids. The author knows her stuff, and she puts it in simple easy to read lingo.  Definitely a book worth owning.   
I was given this book in exchange for an honest review.

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