Nov 18, 2013


5 Stars
This book was beautifully written, achingly sweet and haunts you to the "cor". I longed to see Blackmoore myself. I will never hear a bird or see a cage without thinking of Kate and Henry.  (you will want to own this one)   
Julianne Donaldson is an Author you don't want to miss!    If you have read her book "Edenbrooke"   I will tell you this story was definitely just as good.   Comparing the two (you can't much cause they are 2 completely different stories) yet I felt that Blackmoore was perhaps a thicker story and I felt more emotionally entwined and loved the symbolism and imagery woven throughout.  Edenbrooke is pure fun adventure and spunk while Blackmoore pulls your heart out onto those amazing landscapes that swirled around Kate.  Both books are stand alone excellent.        
Either book would be an excellent gift!

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