Sep 25, 2013

To the Rescue

5 stars *****
This is a Rescue story everyone should read! 
The great and wild western frontier holds an achingly beautiful story of 1200 people who ran out of food and supplies 700 miles before they reached their destination.  Brief accounts from journals creates the true story of how these people surrived - and were miraculously saved!
The authors did a great job on layout, I was continually touched by the beautiful art accompanying so many of the stories told inside.  I loved how it was presented in a simple and easy outline without any white pages packed only with words :).  This book is full color (the story and pages)  I can not tell you enough - you must read it yourself!
To the Rescue by Valerie  free printable!

This is a great quote/story to insert in your scriptures. 
When studying about the Willie and Martin Handcart companies and all they suffered a huge part of that story is the RESCUE. This quote by Brigham Young and then Alma 34:28 go hand in hand. 
A great study on how we should reach out to the one - to the Rescue!!

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