Aug 30, 2013

Sherlock Holmes

I was really excited about this book. I love studying bible stories and of course a more modern approach with Sherlock Holmes sounded intriguing! I liked the opening - unexpected trouble meets Dr. Watson at the door. My favorite stories jump right midstream and you are immersed and swimming on. A second great point with this book is that you can read it alone as a novel, or use it with study questions in the back for an all-out bible study. This story had a great premise for a bible mystery learning book. I found the stories well written.
I admit I gave it only 2 stars as once I began reading my interest began to fail. With that said, part of this may be that I am not a huge Sherlock Holmes fan - meaning I get bored easily with all the nitty gritty of a mystery. I want the story to pull me in and never let me up for a breath of air. This book did not do that to me. I continually put it down and wouldn't seek it out for a long time. I think you need a better handle on what bible story is being discussed before you read the chapter, and a true love of Sherlock Holmes style mysteries to find the gem in this book.
I was given this book free in exchange for an honest review.

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