Dec 2, 2012

Do you have a Nativity Room?

As you Decorate this Christmas -
Decorate with a NATIVITY ROOM!


My sister told me about her Nativity Room - how she loved collecting Nativities and decorating with them in one room.  I thought she had a great idea -
Decorate with the real meaning of Christmas in one special room -
one well used and well loved room.

  • Designate one room in your home as your "Nativity Room".  Meaning, only decorate with decorations that have to do with Christ's Birth:  Angels, Nativities, Sheep, Stars, etc.

  • Take apart a calendar with pictures of The Savior - use the hole in the top to string a ribbon through.  Now pick a door in your home to display them on.  Tape or magnets work easily to attach them.

  • Frame Nativity Pictures.  Use a couple of large frames and place Nativity Pictures in them.  Look in Magazines or purchase one from a church bookstore. Hang this artwork in your "Nativity Room".

  • Designate a Children's Nativity Corner:  Display Nativities that are for Playing with!  Let your children, or grandchildren enjoy playing with a variety of sweet Nativity Sets! 

Enjoy making this Christmas - The Best Christmas Ever!

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