Jul 14, 2012

Kit-Kat Cake


I've seen this cake on line at different websites and blogs - on pinterest - and finally, I broke down.

It turned out to be so easy...

and so yummy....

We really had a great time making & eating it!:)

Step #1 - make a chocolate cake, 2 -  8 or 9" rounds & cool
Step #2 - put your favorite filling or frosting inbetween the 2 rounds
Step #3 - frost the entire cake with your favorite chocolate frosting (no need to be neat - it all gets covered!)
Step #4 - put Kit-Kats all around the entire cake (about 36)
Step #5 - wrap a large ribbon around the cake & carefully tie a bow
Step #6 - sprinkle on top 1 enire large bag of M&Ms


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