Apr 15, 2012


Tuesday at 10:15 am!

Surprised?  Don't be! 
This is one Earthquake we can all prepare for!!

What is it?    Earthquake Preparedness in Utah
When is it?   Tuesday - April 17,2012
What do I do?   Get Ready!

Do something this week
to be better prepared for an Earthquake
- or any natural or manmade disaster!

Each day I'm focusing on 1 Action.....

MONDAY: Make A Family Plan-practice your plan & Light in an Emergency

TUESDAY: EARTHQUAKE - 10:15 am - Drop, Cover, Hold on!

WEDNESDAY:  First Aid & Fire Extinguishers

THURSDAY:  Water Storage

FRIDAY: Secure your Water Heater & other large pieces of furniture

Watch for printable information you can use each day to learn about Earthquake preparedness as outlined above!!!

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