Jan 8, 2012


Who'd have thought scratching a few notes about what you read in your scriptures could be so fun?:)

I am so excited to share with you this great idea from the The Redheaded Hostess , sure it's nothing new, but she gives it a fresh twist that puts a whole lot of fun and color into a basically boring scripture journal.

she has so many great suggestions with pictures that it is easy to understand and lots to gather from her!!

It's so Simple . . .

     #1 - puchase a medium sized notebook (bound not spiral)
     #2 - gather a pen and some colored pencils, note tabs if you want
     #3 - Of course - grab your scriptures
     #4 - discover the joy of feasting on the scriptures
     #5 - When a book is finished - Save it and give them to your children         when you are old (they will cherish them and hopefully gain from them)

Have fun creating a teasure to be cherished by you and your posterity!

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