Nov 1, 2011

ORGANIZE the BEST parts of your LIFE!

To Start the Month out right...
 I decided to ORGANIZE some of THE BEST things we do as a Family - and thus increase our chances for Success!!

This chart combines:
  1. FHE - assignments for the month
  2. Book of Mormon - reading each day and crossing it off
  3. Conference Ensign Study - using Sunday to read a little from the Conference Ensign - or have it read to you (I then will furnish a small insentive/treat) (this can also be a prep. for FHE time too)
  4. Scripture Memorizing - Plan ahead on which scriptures you want to memorize as a family (start with one, resite it once a day -dinner, family prayer, before school, etc)
Half the time it's all in organization !:) 
Here is our chart you are welcome to download and print - I will continue posting one for each month a couple days before the new month arrives!:)

Organize your Scripture Reading and FHE

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