Sep 4, 2011


Discover a way to help people all over the world! 
 With only a few minutes to give, here is a service I love doing! 
  It is simple, plus I can drop it mid-work and pick it up a week later! 
 There is so much work to do - thus the harvest is ripe, and the workers are needed! 
 Check it out yourself!

THE VINEYARD has a varity of ways you can serve on-line.

  • Family History Indexing
  • Translating church Publications
  • Prepareing Church Media for Publication
  • Translations
  • and more!
Lots of variety for lots of personalities and people with different time schedules!  On-line means on your time, whenever you can, and as much as you can!

This is an amazing place to spend some time one some things that matter most!


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