Apr 23, 2011

Day 8 - Easter Sunday, Jesus' Resurrection & Appearances

When Sunday came, and Christ was Resurrected all our fears of death were extinguished.

He broke the bands of death. He was Resurrected and now we too can be resurrected.

There is hope. Hope of a perfect body once we are resurrected, Hope of life after death, Hope of seeing our Eternal Father and His son Jesus Christ again. Christ has overcome the world!

He will not forget or abandon us. He has engraven us upon His hands.

I am thankful for my Savior. My heart sings with joy because of Him! I’m Thankful for all He did during His life and especially during those last 8 days! He suffered all things, because of the Love He has for me and for you!
 And now we have Hope, because of Him!

He is Risen! He is Risen!

Tell it out with Joyful voice.

He has burst his 3 days prison;

Let the whole wide earth rejoice.

Death is conquered, man is free.

Christ has won the victory!

He is Risen! He is Risen!

He hath opened heaven’s gate.

We are free from sin’s dark prison,

Risen to a holier state.

And a brighter Easter beam

On our longing eyes shall stream!
Hymn Book pg.199

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