Apr 23, 2011

Day 7 - Saturday, The Tomb is Sealed and Guarded

Matthew 27:62-66
Saturday morning the Chief Priests and the Pharisees went to see Pilate.

They told Pilate that Christ had said, “After 3 days I will rise again”. They asked Pilate to make sure this would not happen. They did not want His disciples to come and take His body and say He had risen from the dead.

Thus Pilate gave them Roman Guards and the Priests and Pharisees went and made sure the tomb was sealed and set the guards to watch it.

Saturday was sad and quiet. Only the guards kept watch. So much had happened, yet Christ was dead. It was the second day of His death. He had prophesied that, “After 3 days I will rise again”. Perhaps there was hope. Hope for a brighter tomorrow. Hope for the Resurrection.

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